Sometimes we may experience some technical issues that interfere with our servicing. Whenever this does happen, you may have to go to Tech Support for more assistance. After the technician has looked at your issue, they will give an INC Number, or Incident Number. You can use this number to request a waiver for your time that you could not service so that your metrics are not negatively impacted.
Here are the steps to take:
1. In Arise Portal, in the upper right corner, hover your mouse over Support, then select Incident Report.

2. A new window will appear, you may already be logged in, if not, use your portal login info to do so. On the left, click Report an Incident.
-If you're not able to login, if it's giving a username or
password error, you may need Tech Support.

3. Input your CSP ID

4. From the drop down menu, choose Waiver Request.

- A box will appear, click OK to proceed.

5. Select your Client and Client Program if you're apart of a particular program.

6. Enter the date and time of the interval(s) you could not service. All times entered must be on Eastern Standard Time (EST), and in military time.
-In this example, I could not service from 7:25P-8:00P
EST (1925-2000 military time).

*NOTE: All waivers must be submitted within 24 hours of the incident. In this example, I had until Feb. 21, 2018 at 7:25P EST to submit a request.