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Updated: Aug 4, 2023


1. Setting Up Starmatic

When setting up Starmatic, make sure you update the Timezone for your specific location.

* Check ALL the boxes under "Program Name" to receive notifications regarding changes and availability of your schedule.

2. Set An Alarm!

Set an alarm on your mobile phone for the date & time you service & the client Release Schedule. For your release schedule, set 2 Alarms: One an hour before & one 5-10 min before the release time.

Away from home/computer? No Problem!

Download the "Arise on the Go" App [Android | Apple] or Log into Starmatic from your mobile device:

STARMATIC.ARISE.COM/MOBILE/ <--- Bookmark on your mobile device or add to your home screen for quick and easy access to your schedule

3. Don't Over Over Commit Yourself!

Start with your initial cap, which will satisfy your Priority Commitment (strive for PC ≥ 95%). Then, add as you go throughout your day and week when you know you'll be able to service.

When life happens and unexpected events come up, over-scheduling yourself will leave you more vulnerable to dropping intervals and can have a major impact on your Commitment Adherence (strive for CA ≥ 90%).

*If your PC falls below 95% and/or your CA falls below 90%, it can affect your paycheck!

4. UH-OH! What If Life Happens?!

If something unexpected happens and you can't service within 48 hours of the start of an interval, Swap it; do not release it. Swapping allows another agent to select your interval without you being held responsible and keeps your metrics from being negatively impacted. You can Swap an interval up to 2.5 hours before interval starts.

Keep an eye on your Starmatic! If your interval is not picked up you will need to either service or release it.

If something unexpected happens and you can't service more than 48 hours before the start of an interval, Release it and reschedule. Releasing intervals more than 48 hours prior to servicing will not negatively impact you.

* My advice: Always attempt to Swap before Releasing!

5. Print Your Schedule!

I think this is simple enough. Print your schedule and post it where it is visible.

What if I add intervals?! Great question;

Color the time block in.

But what if I have to Swap or Release?! Another great question;

Write an "S" (for Swap) or an "R" (for Release)

6. Be In Control Of Your Schedule!

This is more of a "Keep this in mind!" You are in control of your schedule! How you manage and maintain your schedule will reflect on your paycheck!

So, Have a Full-Time Commitment Mind-frame, rather than a Part-Time Commitment Mind-frame to servicing! Commit to investing time in servicing, so your investment will reflect in your bank account!

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