Genesis Agents are paid on a two week pay cycle through direct deposit. The payroll cycle runs on the 1st and 15th of each month. Pay dates that land on a weekend or federal holiday will process the business day prior to that weekend or holiday.

As a Genesis Agent, you will receive a pay stub from your Square Payroll account between one and five days prior to payday. The pay stub will include the total amount of pay due, tax deductions, and the projected date for direct deposit, but will not include the detailed breakdown. For the breakdown, you must reference your pay invoice.
Pay Invoices provide a more detailed breakdown of pay due than the pay stub and includes information on services, incentives, adjustments, or any other compensation related item. Invoices are delivered securely to you using a customized Genesis Agent Folder within the corporate G-Suite account (watch this G-Suite Video for instructions on accessing your Agent Folder). Pay invoices are uploaded within the Agent's folder between one to two days before or after payday. Once the pay invoice is posted, the Agent has 15 days to notify Genesis of any disputes.
Within your Agent Folder, you can access all current and past invoices, human resource documents, tax documents, and other relevant or requested administrative documents. If you're a New Agent, you will receive notification of access to your Agent Folder once your first pay stub is being processed. From that time forward, you will have 24/7 secure access to your Agent Folder; even if you leave Genesis.
The invoice is your detailed breakdown of the pay amount due and includes the following:
1. The associated dates of the pay cycle.
There are two pay cycles each month, the first runs from the 1st of the month to the 15th of that month and the second runs from the 16th of the month to the last day of that month.
You enter a pay cycle based on the date you start taking live calls. When you enter a pay cycle, your compensation for that pay cycle is processed during the following (next) pay cycle and paid on the pay date associated with the start of the pay cycle after that.
For example, if you begin working on November 7th, then you have entered the November 1st - 15th pay cycle. That pay cycle ends on the 15th; then your compensation begins processing (tallying time worked, etc.) during the November 16th - 30th pay cycle; and your pay is rendered on the December 1st pay date, which is also the start of the next pay cycle.
2. The total number of intervals, hours, & minutes serviced during the pay cycle.
Intervals: 30-minute blocks of time (or "work shifts") used to make service schedules and to calculate pay. When calculating the per hour rate, multiply the per Interval rate by two.
Minutes (per Minute or per Call rate): The amount of calls in an interval taken by an Agent. A call “Minute” is the amount of time an Agent is actively speaking with a customer during an inbound or outbound call. The Call Minute (also known as the "Productive Minute") is calculated by the full length of the call rather than standard minutes. Therefore, if a call is only 30 seconds, then the Agent is credited a full minute for that call. Likewise, if the call is 2 minutes, then the Agent is credited a full minute for that call as well.
Note: All base rates are a per interval rate. Agents with a per minute/call rate receive pay based on whichever amount earned is higher - the per interval rate or the per minute/call rate (see point #3 below for details).
3. The pay rates utilized to calculate the Agent's pay.
All Agents are compensated based on a per Interval rate (or per hour rate when multiplied by 2) as a minimum pay rate. If you are servicing a client with a per call rate, you have the opportunity to earn additional revenue by taking calls faster. After the pay cycle is complete and during the processing pay cycle, the higher paying rate (per interval or per call) is calculated and you are paid the higher of the two.
For example, if you have a per interval rate of $4 per interval and service 64 intervals in a pay cycle, the per interval pay due is $256 ($4 x 64 intervals = $256). If, during that same pay cycle, you have a per minute/call rate of $1 per minute/call and you answered 288 calls in 64 intervals, then the per minute/call pay due is $288 ($1 x 288 calls = $288).
In this example, you are compensated $288 for the pay cycle because it's the higher pay due.
4. Client Incentives credited to the Agent (if applicable).
Some Agents will achieve performance incentives or commissions for up-sales and survey achievements while servicing. These incentives/commissions, such as a "Star Incentive" (see orientation video), will be listed in your invoice and credited to your pay.
If you have incentives offered in your Client Service Agreement (CSA), you should work closely with your Quality Assurance Performance Facilitator (QAPF) to successfully achieve the servicing requirements for compensation.
Genesis Incentives such as Course Training Pay, Paid Time Off, Reimbursement, and End of Year Service Incentives will also be listed in your invoice and credited to your pay, as applicable.
5. Incentives, Adjustments, Credits, or Benefit Deductions credited to the Agent (if applicable).
Genesis offers several company incentives and benefits such as certification course fee reimbursement, Course Training Pay, supplemental insurance options, and more. If you request and qualify for any of these items, you will see them credited or withdrawn from your pay invoice.
6. Miscellaneous adjustments made to the Agent's pay (if applicable).
If you experience abnormalities, validated disputes, corrections, or adjustments with a previous pay invoice, you will see the modification credited or deducted on a following invoice statement.
7. The Agent's referenced CA% and PC% recorded during the pay cycle.
You are expected to schedule your minimum work requirements (Priority Commitment / PC) and log in to service as scheduled at least most of the time (Commitment Adherence / CA) based on your respective CSA. These metrics are measured through CA% and PC%.
You can monitor your CA% through the Arise On The Go App, Starmatic Metrics Report, your Team metrics board, and your pay invoice. You can monitor your PC through the Arise App, Starmatic scheduling tool, and your pay invoice.
If you do not maintain your CA% and PC% requirements, your pay invoice may be adjusted in accordance with your CSA. Work closely with your Support Specialist for best practices to meet your servicing requirements.
Also review the Call Center Videos posted on the Orientation Page.
8. Setting up the Agent pay account.
Agents receive an email invitation from Square Payroll to setup their pay account after completing their I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. From this account, Agents can manage their own payment method (i.e. banking information), view their pay stubs, and access tax information.
Note: Pay Stubs only include the total amount of pay being deposited (with tax deductions) into the respective Agent's pay account and does not include detailed payment computations. Agents must view the Invoice posted inside their Agent Folder for an itemized breakdown of pay amount.
9. The total amount paid/owed to the Agent.
Your rendered pay includes all aspects of the pay invoice and provides a total amount due for each pay date.
10. Procedures for Pay Discrepancies.
If you believe your pay contains errors, you should first review your Starmatic Service Report for that respective pay cycle by following this Metrics Guide. The report will provide a close estimate of the number intervals serviced during a specific window and should closely match your invoice.
If you find discrepancies in the report either to the number intervals logged or factors impacting your CA, you will need to contact Arise Partner Support to request corrections.
Note: Starmatic Reports provide close estimates of your service history as a scheduling tool. However, they are not used to track pay because they do not include “AUX Time”.
Once discrepancies in the report are resolved, you can submit a Pay Inquiry to have an adjustment applied to a future invoice (if applicable).
For further questions or assistance, you can always schedule a meeting with your Specialist to discuss pay discrepancies further.